There are many different types of panic attacks. A panic attack is like a tsunami of negative emotions crashing into you on both a mental and physical level.
A panic attack can be debilitating causing the sufferer to become lethargic and anti-social. It wasn't until 1980 when anxiety disorders were medically categorized that people began to understand how stress affects your body.
Our Top Pick For Beating Panic Attacks
Stopping, and preventing, panic attacks is now even easier.
Panic attacks occur when your nervous system detects stress. This detection then triggers a warning signal to your brain. You brain in turn activates your adrenal glands and instructs them to produce stress hormones.
Theses hormone cause biophysical changes to take place. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase and this increase causes your body temperature to rise.
Your eccrine and apocrine glands begin producing sweat. Your breathing is shortened and increased. This can lead to dizziness and nausea. Eventually, this can result in moments of intense depression and feelings of impending doom, which can be terrifying for the victim and lead to additional anxiety.
If you suffer from panic attacks, there is a good chance you may have a social anxiety disorder.
There are many different types of SADs such as panic disorder, post-traumatic stress, and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic attacks occur more frequently in people who suffer from the SADs.
Each of these disorders can have their own version of a panic attack. Panic attacks may occur without warning and can be triggered by stressful situations.
Things like public speeches or fiscal deadlines can trigger panic attacks in people. This type of panic attack is known as a situationally-predisposed panic attack. The sufferer feels overwhelming anxiety every time they are faced with a similar situation, and the stress may also be accompanied by a phobia such as arachnophobia, a fear of spiders.
So to use this as an example, a person who has arachnophobia may experience a panic attack every time they see a spider, which is common for people who may have a panic disorder. An approaching deadline or even heights can trigger full-scale panic attacks in situationally-predisposed patients.
Panic attacks can also happen for no known reason at all. This type of panic attack is called an uncued panic attack. You may be feeling completely relaxed one moment and terrified the next. Scientists are still trying to figure what causes these unprovoked attacks, with many speculating adrenal gland issues could be to blame.
Panic attacks of this nature can occur while you are asleep. Sufferers of sleeping panic attacks can wake up unable to catch their breath as if they were being choked. This situation can evidently be very traumatic for the individual involved.
Panic attacks are becoming more frequent with 2.7% of the male population suffering from some form of SAD. Women are twice as likely to have a SAD when compared to men with 7% of the female population currently suffering from some kind of panic attack. Certain conditions can stress your body out more than others. Things like high blood pressure and hypoglycemia can increase your chances of a panic attack.
Thankfully you can reduce your chances of reoccurring attacks by following a couple of rules. You should always stay completely hydrated. Your body needs water for themajority of its functions. A dehydrated body cannot regulate its temperature properly causing stress hormones to be more prevalent in your blood stream.
Eating healthy is another great way to reduce your chances of panic attacks. Leafy greens such as spinach and lettuce can provide your body with magnesium. Magnesium rich foods help your heart beat strengthen. Conversely, eating unhealthily can create restricted arteries and increased blood pressure.
Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce stress. By meditating 10 minutes a day you can free your mind from any built up anxiety. Having a relaxation technique can be crucial to your success. One of the best ways to learn a relaxation technique is using a prerecorded message. This is one of the most popular and useful mp3s available Panic Away.
By using these tips, you can find yourself stress-free. Our world is full of distractions and stressful situations that are impossible to avoid. The best we can hope to do is buffer the impact of stress on our body. A few tiny adjustment in your lifestyle can make all the difference when dealing with panic attacks.